happy thanksgiving day

What Does Thanksgiving Do For The Average Human?

Everyone knows what happened at the start of 2020. The pandemic, the lack of jobs, and the lack of physical activities are just one of the quick ways to recall everything. But if there is anything that the last few years have taught us, it is the importance of spending time with family. However, many people forgot this importance in 2022. If you are amongst this group but are looking forward to utilizing the quality time again, you should look forward to the holidays.

Should You Enjoy Thanksgiving With Your Family?

Are you wondering why you should spend time with your family? You could find the answer to this in history. For example, divorces were very much uncommon before the start of the 21st century. As a matter of fact, the percentage of divorces did not even climb 1% before the 1900s. In 2022, it is more than 4% in some countries.

This makes everyone think, were people nice to each other back then? The answer is that people were the same as they are now. But they did things differently because they cared for their loved ones no matter what. Not just that, but they even dedicated days to spend time with their family.

And in today’s time, we celebrate these days as public holidays, and Thanksgiving is one of those days. If it weren’t for the dedication of these people, we would never have gotten to enjoy a day off – haha! However, Thanksgiving is a symbol of spending quality family time.


Here’s Something About Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was initially about celebrating the harvest. However, the reality is that Thanksgiving has managed to become so much more than just a day for harvest. People all around the world celebrate a day to enjoy the harvest. But only north American countries such as Canada and the United States celebrate it with the specific name of Thanksgiving. Both countries celebrate it in October because they share the same month for harvest.


Traditions Of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is not just a simple tradition. It is a special occasion, with other unique traditions woven into the very fabric of the usual Thanksgiving bucket list. People always find Thanksgiving to be a symbol of cooked and stuffed Turkey. But this holiday is so much more than just eating cooked Turkeys. Here are a few traditions of Thanksgiving you could enjoy with your family.

1-      The Famous Thanksgiving Parade

Did you ever wish to enjoy a parade? Well, you can enjoy “The thanksgiving parade.” You can enjoy a parade in Canada and the United States. Both versions of these parades leave a lasting impact on everyone who participates in them. A parade can attract over 700,000 visitors just in one go. People visit these parades because they symbolize enjoyment to everyone related to Thanksgiving.

2-      Turkey’s

No one could or should disregard the turkey factor in Thanksgiving. As a matter of fact, Thanksgiving is all about Turkeys. It is so much about turkeys that Thanksgiving actually has a nickname, and it’s Turkey Day. Usually, when anyone assigns a day to something, people would appreciate it. But when it comes to Turkey’s people love them so much that everyone wants turkeys to be in their homes when Thanksgiving comes. However, it is not the taste of the turkey but rather the role it plays in our lives after everyone is done eating.

After the meals, everyone feels fulfilled and the warmth of being together. This warmth is the same thing everyone shares with the people who first celebrated Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving – An Occasion For Everyone

One way or the other, everyone can understand that Thanksgiving has a special place in all our hearts. It is not just an occasion to eat as long as you can and as much as you can; it is something special. This event plays a vital role in our lives. It helps us accomplish the one thing that might be difficult to achieve otherwise. As with Thanksgiving, we can bring our families and loved ones together.

When it is Thanksgiving, one can bury the hatchet and go on to hug their rivals. And it is so beautiful that one can sit & eat together with their Rivals, friends, and family members. When it is Thanksgiving, there are no wars and conflicts. Everyone gets to be friends with everyone and enjoy a good meal.

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