point of sale Solutions pci compliant

Which POS Solutions Are Required To Run A Business?

Running a business becomes easy if you have got all the tools useful in running a business. POS solutions are one of the tools necessary for every business in modern times. As a businessman, your priority is to increase revenue and sales.

You keep looking for ways to boost sales. But do you know paying close attention to your POS can boost your sales exponentially? POS has a great contribution, undoubtedly, in upscaling or downscaling a business.

If the POS is smart and efficient, more customers would prefer to shop from your business place. If it’s not, you can lose a lot of business. However, most people in business are aware of the importance of POS. But they need to be more knowledgeable about which pos solutions they need and which they don’t.

In this blog, we shed light on the POS solutions that must run smoothly for a business. So if you want to know, read this blog to the end.

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PCI- DSS Compliance

Before buying any pos system, it is necessary to ensure the system complies with PCI DSS. If there is no PCI -DSS compliance, no matter which system you get is useless. Therefore the first thing is to check whether the system is PCI compliant.

You must be thinking, what is PCI-DSS compliance? Simply put, it is the standard of data security set by the payments card industry. If a device complies with the standard set by the payments card industry, it complies with PCI DSS. Otherwise, it’s not.

The overview of the data security standards is that the device should be safe enough to process the transactions. When using a device, customers’ data should not be at stake. The device should have protection with firewall security and anti-malicious software from thieves and scammers.

PCI DSS-compliant devices don’t store customers’ data when they process the cards. Instead, the data gets stored in the service provider’s database, where the data is more secure. And no one can access that data.

Moreover, it is the merchant’s responsibility to get a compliant device. If the device isn’t compliant with PCI standards, they must upgrade it or ask for compliance from the service provider.


Card Processing

When you own a business, you first ask to receive the payments. Thus you need devices that can receive the payments. However, most customers don’t carry cash with them. Instead, use a credit or debit card to shop.

Therefore you need a device that can process card transactions in the first place. No matter how big or small your business, this is the first POS system you need. If you have started a new

Business and it’s small. Then go and get this payment software to receive the payments without disrupting.

A machine like a clover flex is easy to carry and easy to use and serves the purpose of accepting card payments. You can get this payment solution from many merchant services providers from any of those.


Contactless Payments

Technology is evolving, and so are payment options. Now people have switched from card payments to contactless payments. People don’t carry cards now either; they just take out their phones and pay the bills.

The devices that accept contactless payments have a built-in scanner. Customers pay by scanning the magnetic strip of the card on the built-in scanner of the POS system. Moreover, customers can pay the bills from their phones and smartwatches.

Many payment platforms are integrating contactless payments into their system as nobody wants to miss out on customers. Therefore if you want to grab as many customers as possible, get a device that can accept contactless payments.

These devices are necessary for grocery stores, salons, clinics and restaurants. Most devices can perform both tasks, i.e. card processing and contactless payments. Therefore buying a clover flex can help you with both payment options.


Finger Print Scanning devices

The devices that scan fingerprints are known as fingerprint-scanning devices. If you run a mid-sized business with employees equal to or more than 10, this device helps a lot. The device comes with multipurpose. However, this device’s core purpose is to mark your employees’ attendance.

When employees come to work, they enter their attendance at the point-of-sale terminal, which records the arrival and exit time. Also, it can help you know which employee is present and which is not. Thus you can track the attendance record and pay the salaries according to the hours they have worked.

Apart from this, the device can help you maintain the security of your data. You can limit access to the data of payment providers and only select some reliable people to access the records.

There are separate devices, such as fingerprint scanners, but you can buy a single device integrated with other POS features.

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All In One

Buying each POS device would not be wise, but getting one with all features is wise. A smart man businessman makes smart moves. Therefore you must get the device with features, i.e. card processing, contactless payments, fingerprint scanner and camera.

A device like a clover station is the best pos processing solution if you want all features in one device. It is more costly than other devices but more efficient and powerful than small ones. Moreover, this device will turn your POS into a full-fledged processing window.


Key Takeaways

Point Of Sale plays a key role in boosting sales, but the devices or systems for POS should be according to the need of the business. However, you need only a single device if you have a small business. If you have a mid-sized business, you might need a device with multiple features. And if  you have a large-scale business, you need a full-fledged device with all the features. Therefore the answer of which POS system to get depends on the need of your business.

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