Payment Gateways

How To Set Up Integrated Payment Gateways For Your Business

A business owner needs available payment gateways because a business depends on payment gateways. The more efficient the payment gateway, the higher the sales will be. 

Whether an ecommerce platform or a traditional shop, the role of the payment gateway remains the same. Therefore, the key to a business’s success is upgrading its payment gateway from time to time. 

If you, as a business owner struggling with your payment gateway because of its inefficiency, slow pace and its incompatibility with accepting various payment options, then you need to switch to integrate payment solutions to cater to all your business needs regarding payment and transactions.

If you need to learn about the integrated payment gateway and how to get it, don’t worry because this blog post focuses on the procedure of switching to integrated payment gateways.


1- Determine The Nature Of Business

Before opting for integrated payment solutions, you need to determine the nature of your business. Whether you own a physical, online, or hybrid business model, choose your nature of business accordingly. 

You can choose your merchant processor solutions and demand payment gateways corresponding to your business needs. Besides this, the nature of the business includes the location of the business, currency support, payment settlement period and dispute settlement period.

Also Read: 5 Benefits of PCI DSS Compliance for merchants

2- Financial Usefulness

The second step after determining the nature of your business is to inspect your business’s financial feasibility. 

The number of on line payments you want to process or the number of credit card transactions being processed will be compatible with your integrated payment solution. Also, you need to configure the costs of each transaction. 

The financial feasibility also includes assessing the business’s operational costs, the number of transactions and logistics costs.


3- Consult with an acclaimed payment gateway  

The third step is to identify the payment gateways that are efficient, accommodating and compatible.

Always try to get the services of the provider that is popular among the public because, in this way, targeting the audience becomes easy as they are satisfied with its services.

Generally, all the paying gateways compatible with digital wallets are quite popular among customers because it becomes convenient for customers to pay online through digital wallets instead of credit cards. 

Therefore it is up to you which payment gateway you want to get, but it’s better to consult with multiple service providers so that you can consider various options. 


4- Security and Performance 

The fourth but most important step before hopping on a payment gateway is to evaluate how secure the payment gateway is. Is it secure enough to process end-to-end encrypted transactions? Or secure enough to keep customers’ data? 

The payment gateway that accommodates credit card number for testing, chargebacks and secure transactions are secure and preferred payment gateway by merchants and customers.

Apart from the security of the payment gateway, you need to analyze the performance of the gateway as well. If it is efficient, quick and accommodating, it is good to have; if it’s not, you should avoid it.


5- Support Efficiency 

You need to explore the payment gateway that has exceptional support for customers. A payment gateway with 24/7 support, i.e. complaints, feedback, and chat support, wins customers’ trust. 

The big players, like time merchants and others, have set up payment gateways for customer support throughout the day, leading to customer satisfaction and retention.    

Move 5000

Move 5000 is a powerful machine that empowers the point of sale- POS. The features of move 5000 are exceptional, allowing this machine to process a single transaction in seconds. This machine is one of the most suitable machines for the POS system. 

However, it is a small machine in size, but its size doesn’t justify its specifications, and its performance is beyond its size. Besides this, it is also a widely used machine worldwide.

Whether it is chase paymentech login, merchant direct- Moneris solutions or any other service provider, endorses this machine because of its outstanding performance. 

The precise specifications of move 5000 are 512 MB RAM, MicroSD up to 32 GB, a 5-megapixel autofocus camera, and a 2900 mAH battery. 


MBE POS offers businesses payment solutions, including a point-of-sale system, integrated payment gateways, ATMs and a full-fledged service window. MBE POS has been there for a few decades empowering businesses to cater with payment solutions. MBE POS is the right place for you if you are a business owner and want to switch to integrated payment solutions.

Also Read: 4 Best POS System For Retail Business


Business strategies are evolving day by day, and so are payment methods. There are plenty of payment options available, but not every payment gateway can process all payment options. Therefore to counter this problem, an integrated payment solution comes into play. It caters to all payment options making it easy for businesses to increase sales. 

Therefore it is better to switch to integrated payment solutions if you need to learn how to do it and what steps to follow; this article helps you to get an integrated payment gateway for your business.  

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